Wolves, Forests, and Witches: The Humanity of Spooky Tales by Zora Grizz
Nonfiction Zora Grizz Nonfiction Zora Grizz

Wolves, Forests, and Witches: The Humanity of Spooky Tales by Zora Grizz

Imagine that you and I are settled in around a glowing campfire. It’s late here. The moon is hidden behind the clouds. We brought the makings for s’mores – but more than that, we’ve brought spooky stories to tell each other. The forest around us is thick and dark, and a wolf howls somewhere in the distance. At least…we think it’s a wolf….we hope it’s a wolf.

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Should I Watch the Movie First?: Classic Literature and Film Adaptations by Kyle Talag
Nonfiction Kyle Talag Nonfiction Kyle Talag

Should I Watch the Movie First?: Classic Literature and Film Adaptations by Kyle Talag

When I was thirteen years old, I decided to dip my toes into classic literature. I started with Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen because it's supposedly beginner-friendly.

I ordered a cheap copy online; when the parcel arrived, I was thrumming with excitement as I tore it open. But even with a hefty dictionary beside me, trying to read the first line had me intimidated and lost.

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How the Murderbot Books Hurled a Wonderful Projectile Into My Processor With Their Insightful Cleverness by Zora Grizz
Nonfiction Zora Grizz Nonfiction Zora Grizz

How the Murderbot Books Hurled a Wonderful Projectile Into My Processor With Their Insightful Cleverness by Zora Grizz

I just finished the complete Murderbot series by Martha Wells (I chose the format of audiobooks narrated by Kevin R. Free, which were phenomenal) and I’ve been trying to wrap my head around why I absolutely adore this series; to understand why it resonates so strongly...why the chord it plucks deep within my own experiences are ones so intimately known, in such a multidimensional way.

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5 Books That Made Me Fall in Love with Reading (Again) by Ari Snyder
Nonfiction Ari Snyder Nonfiction Ari Snyder

5 Books That Made Me Fall in Love with Reading (Again) by Ari Snyder

I am a firm believer in New Year’s resolutions . As one year ends and another begins — and the days are at their darkest — I find it helpful to throw myself into a new hobby or practice a new skill. At its best, New Year’s resolutions are a fundamentally hopeful practice that helps us recognize our ability to change and grow and start anew, even in times of struggle. I especially love reading resolutions.

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