Nonfiction/Online Features: Accepted year round on a rolling basis

Within our garden, there are plants and seeds that are constantly growing. There are plants that need more watering than most and other plants who outgrow their pots. The beautiful part about growth in a garden is that it has different stages of life. Sometimes growing is realizing home isn’t a physical space. Sometimes growing is realizing you’ve outgrown the people around. Sometimes growing is learning that love isn’t enough.

What does growing mean to you?

What pieces/parts of literature and film come to mind when you hear this word?

Send us your pieces of interpretation on the theme growing from your best to your worst, or somewhere in between. Growing means something different to each person, what can you unbury?

Submission Guidelines

How to Submit: Email your submission(s) to If you are submitting works in multiple categories, please submit an email for each category (i.e one email for poetry, a separate email for prose).

We do not accept previously published works and translated works. (We currently don’t have the resources to properly check if the translated works sent in are accurate to translation).

Requirements: Your piece MUST be related to film or literature. We are still pretty flexible in terms of what it means for your piece to be “related” to film or literature but you can always email us for clarification!

  1. Only one of the following needs to be included in your email submission:


    • Film Title (year) directed by (director) and/or;

    • Title (year) by (author) & [medium of writing] and/or;

    • Quotes, screencaps, screenplay excerpts, etc. and/or;

    • A brief 300 word explanation of how your work relates to film and/or literature.

You are welcomed to also write a separate paragraph 350 word max of how your work would be a great fit for Beneath the Garden Magazine.

  • We are interested in fiction that explores the multifaceted spectrum of the human experience. We’re looking for writers to explore the soil beneath planted conversations. Send us your work that is experimental, messy, perfect, or somewhere in between.

    1. Subject Line: Fiction - Last Name, First Name

    2. What film(s) and/or literature inspired this piece? or How does your work relate to film and/or literature?

    3. Submit up to 3 different pieces (max of 8 pgs. per piece).

    4. Format: Readable font, 12. pt. font, and double spaced.

  • The beautiful thing about poetry is that it doesn’t have to make sense in order for you to feel something. Therefore, we are looking for poets whose poetry imposes a question and/or creates a different perspective on familiar conversations. How can you showcase the roots of a garden without uprooting it? Send us your work that is experimental, messy, perfect, or somewhere in between.

    1. Subject Line: Poetry - Last Name, First Name

    2. What film(s) and/or literature inspired this piece? or How does your work relate to film and/or literature?

    3. Submit up to 6 pieces (max of 3 pages per piece).

    4. Format: Readable font, 12. pt. font, and double spaced.

  • We’re looking for nonfiction and creative non-fiction works that focus on literature and film. More specifically reviews/analysis on film and literature, theory, critique, the filmmaking process, and more. We are pretty flexible with content so long as it is grounded in film and/or literature.

    Submissions are on a rolling basis for this category.

    1. Subject Line: Nonfiction - Last Name, First Name

    2. What film(s) and/or literature inspired this piece? or How does your work relate to film and/or literature?

    3. Submit up to 3 pieces (max of 1000 words per piece)

    4. Format: Readable font, 12. pt. font, and double spaced.

    5. Bibliography of any research sources.

  • Any medium of art is welcomed as long as it is grounded in film and literature. Any visual medium that can be showcased in print format will have the opportunity to be reviewed for entry in BTG Mag. If you art has to do with video or audio, you will still have the opportunity to have your work published with BTG Mag but it will not be in the magazine.

    1. Subject Line: Art - Last Name, First Name

    2. What film(s) and/or literature inspired this piece? or How does your work relate to film and/or literature?

    3. 3-5 art submissions with titles.

    4. No formatting requirements.

  • We understand how hard it can be to work towards being published when you haven’t gotten the experience of writing. We are open to all content as long as it is grounded in BTG’s mission statement.

    1. Pitch Idea - Last Name, First Name

    2. What film(s) and/or literature inspired this piece? or How does your work relate to film and/or literature?

    3. 500 word max pitch

    4. Format: Readable font, 12. pt. font, and double spaced.

    5. 2-5 sample works or portfolio of work.

Important Information:

After Acceptance: A 300-500 word third person bio will be requested upon acceptance along with any links that you would like shared on our website.

Rights for Published Work:

We reserve the right to make minor grammatical changes, but the overall editing responsibility lies with the author.

If you submit to us, you acknowledge that Beneath the Garden Magazine reserves worldwide First Serial Rights, as well as non-exclusive Electronic Archival Rights to show your work on our site over an indefinite period of time. Upon publication, copyright naturally reverts to you, the author. ​If your work is published elsewhere, be it print or online, we ask that Beneath the Garden is acknowledged and credited as first publisher.