Sugar Plums

  1. Honey dipped almonds, sugar, chocolate, coffee, tea, marzipan, snowflakes, and flowers.

    Feet, hips, arms. Distant places and distant sounds. Twirling, twirling, twirling into the night. 

  2. Her warm, soft lips skim over his pulse, he is starving.  

  3. Is this what you desire, she says. He’d be trapped in there. She gazes at him, then the Queen. The flame in her eyes, blue of oxygen, like sapphires around the Queen’s neck. Yes, she says, and bites into the hard candy.

Ashley Malecha

Ashley Malecha holds a BA in English-Creative Writing. Her writing has appeared in Normandale Community College’s Paper Lantern Literary Magazine, SMSU’s Perceptions, The Afterpast Review, and Persephone. When she’s not writing the story on her mind, she’s gorging on books and sweets. She lives on the Mississippi River with an old orange cat and two dogs. Ashley is a dreamer, a night thinker, a reader, and a writer. Find her online:


Isoelectric Flatline


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