Isoelectric Flatline

cadaver kissed by green light

butchering silence

insomniac, without howling odes

reverence: the blue corpses

each heartbeat, an ephemeral ripple and

i scavenge my gray matter

for oxygen, ripping apart

cortexes heavy with prolactin

run. from darkness engulfing my mind

pitch black void, thundered galvanism

i am lost in this temporoparietal forest

once carmine with chasmic blood

its dendritic canopy, taupe

desiccated pneumatodes

oozing out infinitesimal life

i swim in once perennial

deoxygenated, and realize all creatures bloody no more

resuscitators call it hypoxia

cosmic latte

there is light. I swim

and hold it like a falling star

burning in my palms, flies away

illumine cocoon, never quite there

its wings fragment, a million galaxies

eyes drench in light

i see myself on the deathbed, cardioverted

and a thousand gold moths flying out of my mouth.

Meheru Alaspure

Meheru Alaspure is a sophomore studying at Ryan International, Pune. She loves tangerine sunsets, turkish lattes, Blair Waldorf, organic chemistry and Sylvia Plath. Her work has been published in Alcott Youth, Studio Moone Magazine and she is an editor for Asterope, Alexandrian Review and Ode to Death Magazine and a writer at Med Her Society and Paradise on Parchment. She has a passion for exploring the darker aspects of human experience through poetry, often weaving in elements of mythology and the macabre. 


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