Beneath the Garden Magazine

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Say It

My name was Daniel.

Son of a former slave-turned-inventor.

An artist by trade. Skilled with a wet paint brush.

My name was Daniel.

Hired painter for a former Confederate States

Army Colonel. He introduced me to the model.

My name was Daniel.

And the model's name—his daughter's—I'll never forget: Caroline.

As I created her likeness on canvas, we fell in love.

My name was Daniel.

Hunted prey for the Colonel & White townspeople.

Chased through an open pasture.

My name was Daniel.

Cornered prey tied to an old tree with rope.

My right hand lost to the iron teeth of a saw.

My name was Daniel.

And the very worst was saved for last:

The mob smeared my bound Black body with honey.

My name was Daniel.

The last things I saw were droning bees.

The last thing I felt was their stinging.

My name was Daniel.

And Caroline's agony was greater than mine.

Upon watching me expire from a million stings.

My name was Daniel.

The mob's cruelty destroyed my body.

Their hate destroyed our love. Fiery—but forbidden.

Sweets to the sweet.

Be my witness.

Say it.

One word.

It's easy. I dare you.

Say it.

Here's a hint: It's my name.

The one my lynchers taunted me with.

Say it.

Even though it instills

Fear in your heart.

Say it.

Even though its sound

Will keep you from sleeping.

Say it.

Even though you know

I'll appear.

Say it.

Right here.

Into the mirror.

Say it.

Right now.

Exactly five times.

Say it.

The last things you'll see are droning bees.

The last thing you'll feel is

My rusty hook

Shoved through you

From groin to gullet.

Be my victim.

Inspired by the Candyman movie series1992-1999.